Join us for a weekly Bible study, exploring the central themes of Christian faith.
Together we will explore the Gospel of Mark to see how the life of Jesus could still be meaningful for us today.
The atmosphere is informal. There will be light refreshments before each study, and we will be seated in a circle in a comfortable church building.
We will follow a guide-book. There may be some questions to discuss, opening of Scripture, and a short video presentation.
You can choose how much or how little you want to partcipate.
Are you unable to make one evening? Don't worry, just come again the next week. You will still be able to follow the journey through the book of Mark.
Session 1: Good news: What are we doing here?
Session 2: Identity: Who is Jesus?
Session 3: Sin: Why did Jesus come?
Session 4: The cross: Why did Jesus die?
Session 5: Resurrection: Why did Jesus rise?
Session 6: Grace: How can God accept us?
Session 7: Come and die: What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Available to you will be a free study guide and a copy of the Gospel of Mark.
Course Materials are also available in Polish.
Visit the Christianity Explored Website for much more information on the course and some excellent video material.
For More Information:
Contact Pastor Weiers Coetser
E-mail: weiers@adventist.ie
Tel: 07787755231